Thursday, December 31, 2020

Negotiation Guide Like a Pro in Job Search

Finding a job is not easy, especially in a difficult economic situation like today. However, after going through the selection and interview stages, not everyone is happy with the salary offered by the company. Well, this is where negotiation skills are very important in the job search. How can you negotiate effectively so that you can get a salary commensurate with your skills and experience? Here are some tips and tricks about job negotiations.

Prepare yourself

Preparation is key to succeeding in any negotiation. Before starting negotiations with potential employers, do some research on the average salary for the same position at similar companies. Try to find information about the company's culture and values. Also determine the minimum salary you want and don't forget to consider allowances and other benefits that may be offered. Also prepare arguments about your experience, skills and achievements that can strengthen your position in the negotiation.

Know Your Self Value

Before negotiating, make sure that you understand your value as a potential employee. This includes work experience, skills and achievements relevant to the position you are applying for. You have to be sure of what you can give the company and how valuable your contribution is to the company. That way, you can open the discussion with a stronger position in the negotiation.

Don't Ask Too Much

Ask for a salary that is realistic and matches your qualifications. Don't ask too much and don't be too low. If you ask too much, you may make employers hesitate to hire you. On the other hand, if you ask for too little, you can give the impression that you don't value yourself. Therefore, it is important to determine a fair and accountable figure in negotiations.

Use Existing Data

To help strengthen your argument in negotiations, use existing data and information. For example, if you've done research on the average salary for a similar position, you can use this data to substantiate your request. In some cases, companies may also have their own data on the salary they are paid for the same position. If possible, ask the company for this information and use it to support your argument.

Do not rush

Don't be in a rush to agree to the first salary offer made by the company. If you feel that the offer is not sufficient, you can express your concerns and open discussions to negotiate. However, don't be too aggressive in negotiations as this can make the company feel uncomfortable. Negotiate in a good manner and don't forget to remain polite and professional.

Don't Focus Just on Salary

When negotiating, don't focus solely on salary. Also consider allowances and other benefits the company may offer. For example, companies may offer health insurance, life insurance, training programs, more time off, or the flexibility of working from home. Try to negotiate to find the best combination of salary and benefits for you.

Don't be Afraid to Ask

Don't be afraid to ask questions if there is unclear or unclear information in the company's offer. Don't worry about looking stupid or interrupting the company. You have the right to know everything about the position and the job offer. It can also help you make better decisions in negotiations.

Remain Professional

Remain professional throughout the negotiation process. Don't speak in a high tone or use harsh words. Remember that the goal of negotiations is to reach an agreement that benefits both parties. By being professional, you can build a positive relationship with the company and increase your chances of success at work.

Give Choices

If the company can't agree to your salary request, provide some other options that work for both parties. For example, you can offer flexibility in your work schedule or increase your responsibilities in the position. By providing options, you can show employers that you are flexible and open to discussing other alternatives to closing a good deal.

Consider Offers from Other Companies

Finally, consider offers from other employers if you receive more than one job offer. This can give you a stronger position in negotiations with other companies. However, make sure you carefully evaluate each offer and consider factors such as company culture, work environment and career opportunities.


Job negotiations can be a stressful and difficult situation, but with the right preparation and the right attitude, you can negotiate like a pro. Always remember to prepare yourself before negotiating, focus on your own value as a potential employee, don't rush into making decisions, and stay professional during the negotiation process. With the right strategy, you can get a salary and benefits commensurate with your skills and experience and build a positive relationship with the company. Don't be afraid to ask questions and provide options in negotiations, and consider offers from other companies if they have one. In the end, your goal is to strike a deal that benefits both parties and start your career off with success.

In preparing for a job negotiation, there are several things to consider. First of all, it is necessary to know your worth as a potential employee. This includes experience, education, skills and expertise that can assist you in the position. Apart from that, it is also necessary to conduct research about the company, including the company culture, values, products and services offered.

Then, it is also necessary to set upper and lower limits in negotiations. The upper limit is the highest salary you are willing to receive, while the lower limit is the minimum amount you can receive. Setting upper and lower limits can help you determine your acceptable salary range and also help you keep your focus on your worth in negotiations.

Next, make sure you prepare a list of questions to ask during the negotiation process. This includes questions about benefits, job responsibilities, time off, training programs, and flexibility in work. Asking these questions can give you clearer information about the position and help you determine if the company's offering is worth your value.

In negotiating, there are some tips that can help you reach a profitable agreement. First of all, make sure you speak in a clear voice and don't hesitate in asking for what you want. Don't be afraid to question every detail and make sure you understand all aspects of the job offer.

Second, don't be hasty in making decisions. Remember that this is a big decision that will affect your career in the long term. Give yourself enough time to consider all the factors and make sure you make the right decision.

Third, don't be too aggressive in negotiations. Remember that your goal is to reach an agreement that benefits both parties. Don't be too pushy or too demanding, as this can make the company feel uncomfortable.

Fourth, focus on your worth as a potential employee. Remember that employers are interested in the skills and experience you can bring to the position. Don't be afraid to show your expertise and skills in negotiations.

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